Webinar 28 | Biodiversity

Presenter: Dominique Berteaux, Canada Research Chair in Northern Biodiversity at UQAR ; member, Centre for Northern Studies, Centre de la science de la biodiversité du Québec, Groupe de recherche sur les environnements nordiques BORÉAS.

Title: Biodiversity (presentation in French)

Abstract: Northern biodiversity is a rich web of interconnected life forms. It benefits humans in many ways and is transformed by many influences. By focusing on the Arctic, I summarize what characterizes northern biodiversity, how it is changing, why it is changing, the consequences of these changes, and the extent of knowledge gaps. I then explore recent progress in several research directions, illustrating them through the work of Canada Research Chair on Northern Biodiversity. These include Nunavut, Nunavik and the Yukon. It's about plants, birds, mammals and humans. Scientific and traditional knowledge. Technological revolutions. The importance of basic and applied research. And the legacy that the research will leave.



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