Plaine verdoyante et espaces d'eau

INQ Training

Explore the North through these training courses created and offered by INQ and its collaborators.

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Fill out this form to tell us what you need. An advisor will contact you to follow up.

List of trainings

to , Auberge Duchesnay
October 3 - November 3, 2023 Registration: ouverte
to , Online - open to all
An introduction to the history and to the political, social and cultural specificities of the Inuit of Nunavik. A training course offered by the Sentinel North Research Chair on relations with Inuit Societies.
Registration period : open Note: This training is currently only offered in French.
Introduction to the socio-political issues of Northern Quebec.

Registration period: Closed (French edition)
to , Nicolet, QC
This retreat aims to equip INQ affiliated professors, professionals and postdoctoral fellows for their northern research activities.
Registration period: closed
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