CEN Kangiqsualujjuaq Research Station (SUKUIJARVIK)


The village is located in Ungava Bay, on the bank of the George River. This region is divided by a few deep and steep glacial valleys. Several vestiges of the last glaciation can be found here: trough valleys, cirques, moraine ridges, suspended valleys, etc. The cold climate and topographic heterogeneity result in a mixture of tundra, forest tundra and boreal forest vegetation. The valley bottoms are ecologically rich, characterized by a rise of the boreal forest (with spruce, larch, birch, etc.) that contrasts with the bare areas of the region's slopes and peaks. In terms of wildlife, the distribution of species is closely linked to vegetation, landform and climate. This region has a unique wildlife feature: the presence of the George River caribou herd and further from the village, the Torngat Mountains herd. Wolves, black bears, snowy owls and willow ptarmigan also inhabit this region. Atlantic salmon and Arctic char are abundant in the region's rivers. As for Ungava Bay and the rivers that flow into it, it represents an estuary rich in salmon, Arctic char, brook trout, beluga whales and several species of seals.

Services offered

A sample preparation room (laboratory without chemical hood) is available. WHMIS training or its equivalent is required to use this room. No storage of chemicals is permitted, all products must be returned after use. Basic equipment is available: glassware; centrifuge; hot plate; scales; oven; refrigerator;  -80°C freezer.

Resource person
Mickaël Lemay
Pavillon Abitibi Price, 2405, rue de la Terrasse, local 1204, Université Laval
418.656.2131 poste 402503
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