Studying The North

Studying The North

The resources described here offer various perspectives for identifying the issues and main themes in Northern and the Arctic research, including concerns related to the ethics and practice of research in Indigenous communities.

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Displaying 81 - 83 of 83 results

  • Unfreezing the Arctic: science, colonialism, and the transformation of Inuit lands

    Concordia (Print book) | Laval (eBook) | UQTR (eBook)

    This book analyses the impacts of colonialism on the climate crisis in the Arctic. (Andrew Stuhl, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2016, 232 p. )

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Colonialism, *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Climate and Environment
    Print Document, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Colonialism, Climate change
    "Unfreezing the Arctic" book cover

  • What is the imaginated North? Ethical Principles

    Available to all

    Essay on the multidisciplinary methodology of the North and the cultural Arctic and its ethical principles. (Daniel Chartier, Montréal and Harstad (Norway), Imaginaire Nord and Arctic Arts Summit, coll. « Isberg », 2018, 157 p. Translated from French by Christina Duck Kannenberg.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Imaginary Perspectives
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Imaginary North, Culture, Nordicity

  • Wrestling with colonialism on steroids: Quebec Inuit fight for their homeland

    Concordia (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book)

    In this book, Zebedee Nungak provides his account of The Battle of James Bay from 1971-1975, where Inuit and Cree communities fought for their lands and waters against the Quebec government’s James Bay hydro project. (Zebedee Nungak, Montreal, Véhicule Press, 2017, 129p.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Colonialism, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous Authors (Essays)
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Colonialism, Quebec, James Bay, Indigenous authors, Inuit
    "Wrestling with colonialism on steroids" book cover

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