About Atiku
A rich and multidisciplinary content
Atiku. The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal offers the best international resource for northern and Arctic research: databases, dictionaries and encyclopedias, maps, atlases and geospatial data, statistics, archives and sources, online films, etc.
It was developed with a multidisciplinary perspective, covering the fields of natural sciences, engineering and technologies, health sciences, humanities, and social sciences, with an emphasis on the field of Aboriginal studies.
A resource for different audiences
This portal is intended for researchers and students as well as members of northern Indigenous communities, public and private sector stakeholders, and Web users of all backgrounds who want to learn about Northern and Arctic issues.
Interinstitutional collaboration
The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal is the result of a collaboration between the l’Institut nordique du Quebec (INQ) and the libraries of Concordia University, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), McGill University, Université Laval, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, as well as Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ).
Meaning of the word Atiku
In Innu, Atiku (Atikw in Naskapi and Cree) means Caribou.
An iconic northern animal, caribou are found in a wide variety of Arctic regions in North America, Europe and Asia, making them a truly circumpolar species. They play a central role in many Indigenous cultures, having long ensured the survival of northern communities. Caribou continue to be important in the intergenerational transfer of traditional knowledge, and are the subject of many research projects in both the natural sciences and the humanities.
Have questions or suggestions for resources we could add to the portal? Feel free to contact us!
Alban Berson, MBSI
Map Curator
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
514 873-1101, ext. 6307
Joë Bouchard, MA, MBSI
Portal Coordination
Consulting Librarian
Centre GéoStat, Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval
418 656-2131, ext. 405267
Jean-Daniel Bourgault, MBSI
Library Specialist
Specialized Documentation and Information Department - Québec
Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
418 654-2663
Susie Breier, MLIS
Reference Librarian
Concordia University Library
514 848-2424, ext. 7690
Rémi Castonguay, MBSI
Service des bibliothèques, Université du Québec à Montréal
514 987-3000, ext. 3934
Anne-Marie Duchesneau, MSI
Consulting Librarian
Sciences et génie, Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval
418 656-2131, ext. 405310
Sharon Rankin, MLIS
Humanities and Social Sciences Library, McGill University
514 398-6657
Marie-Josée Lauzière, MSI
Service de la Bibliothèque, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
819 376-5011, poste 2280