Studying The North

Studying The North

The resources described here offer various perspectives for identifying the issues and main themes in Northern and the Arctic research, including concerns related to the ethics and practice of research in Indigenous communities.

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Displaying 21 - 40 of 83 results

  • Études Inuit Studies (CIÉRA, Université Laval)

    Études Inuit Studies

    This international journal is devoted to the study of all traditional and contemporary Inuit societies from a broad social science and humanities perspective. (Québec, Centre interuniversitaire d'études et de recherches autochtones, 1977 to the present.)

    Collection(s): Research Journals on the Arctic
    Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous studies, Culture
    The cover of Études Inuit Studies.

  • Eye on the Arctic (Radio-Canada International)

    Available to all

    Videos and news articles by journalists from the world's circumpolar countries, reporting about Arctic climate change and reality of Arctic communities and peoples.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Current perspectives, News, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Online Films, *** General Public ***, Online Films, *** Online Films ***
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Documentaries, Television programs, CBC, Reports, Videos
    Regard du l’Arctique – Séries vidéos

  • Far off Metal River : Inuit lands, settler stories, and the makings of the contemporary Arctic

    Concordia (Print book) | Laval (Print book) | McGill (Print book)

    In analysing the way that the alleged Bloody Falls massacre assisted in shaping the colonial narrative of the Arctic, Emilie Cameron addresses the problematic notion of the North as a blank slate and the racist treatment of its Indigenous communities. (Emilie Cameron, Vancouver, UBC Press, 2015, 273 p.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Colonialism, Perspectives on Decolonization
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Colonialism, Decolonization
    "Far off metal river" book cover.

  • First Nations in Quebec and Labrador’s research protocol (Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador) (Assemblée des Premières Nations Québec-Labrador)

    Available to all

    A guide for Indigenous communities, local organizations and the scientific community, governing research activities with First Nations or within their territory.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Research Ethics and Practice in Indigenous Communities, Protocols and Guides
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Research ethics, Labrador, Research protocol, Quebec, Research with Indigenous peoples
    Protocole de recherche des Premières Nations au Québec et au Labrador

  • First Nations of Quebec and Labrador sustainable development strategy

    Available to all

    Report addressing the issues (culture, languages, natural resources, economic development, governance) related to the issue of sustainable development among the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador. (Catherine Johnson et Suzy Basile, First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute, 2006, 29 p.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Sustainable Development and First Nations
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Sustainable development, Labrador, Northern Quebec, Indigenous authors

  • Géocultures : Méthodologies russes sur l'Arctique

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    Collective essay on cultural methodologies on the Arctic in the context of Siberia. (Daniel Chartier, Dmitry Zamyatin, Ekaterina Romanova et Olga Lavrenova, Montréal, Imaginaire Nord, coll. «Isberg», 2020, 100 p. Translated from Russian by Marianna Samsonova.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Imaginary Perspectives
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Imaginary North, Russia, Siberia, Research methodologies

  • Hidden in plain sight: contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Canadian identity and culture

    Concordia (eBook) | Laval (eBook) | McGill (eBook)

    This book offers an Indigenous perspective to Canadian and Aboriginal history, demonstrating the significant contributions Indigenous peoples have made and are making to the development of Canadian identity, politics, education, and culture, etc. (David Newhouse, Cora Voyageur, Daniel Beavon eds., Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2005, 491 p.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Decolonization
    Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Decolonization, Indigenous peoples
    "Hidden in plain sight" book cover.

  • Illustrations taken from Quebec periodicals: expeditions in the arctic archipelago (BAnQ)

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    Dating from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, these illustrations taken from Quebec periodicals shed light on the wave of expeditions devoted to reaching the northern summit with a view to claiming sovereignty over the North Pole. There are old engravings of the ship Fram on which the Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen made the first transpolar drift, an image illustrating the departure of Captain J. E. Bernier during his Canadian boreal expedition, etc.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Historical Perspectives, *** Archives and Primary Sources ***
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Arctic archipelago, Exploration, Arctic Ocean, Canadian arctic
    Illustrations taken from Quebec periodicals: expeditions in the arctic archipelago

  • Impact: colonialism in Canada

    Concordia (Print book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Print book)

    A collection of both non-fiction and fiction writings by Indigenous authors reflecting on the impacts of settler colonialism in Canada. (Warren Cariou, Katherena Vermette, Niigaan James Sinclair eds, Winnipeg, Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc., 2017, 198 p. )

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Colonialism
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous authors
    "impact" book cover

  • Indigenous Research Statement of Principles (Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines du Canada)

    Available to all

    Presentation of SSHRC's commitment to support and promote research conducted by and with Indigenous Peoples.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Research Ethics and Practice in Indigenous Communities, Statements, Principles, and Guidelines
    Free - Open Access, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, CIHR, Research, Research with Indigenous peoples, Research by Indigenous peoples
    Énoncé de principes en matière de recherche autochtone

  • Inuit Art Quarterly (Inuit Art Foundation)

    Inuit Art Quarterly

    This award-winning magazine is dedicated to circumpolar Indigenous art and new and notable indigenous artists. (Inuit Art Quarterly, 1986 to the present)

    Collection(s): News
    Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit, Indigenous artists, Indigenous art
    The cover of the Inuit Art Quarterly magazine

  • Inuit Literatures

    Available to all

    This site contains biographies of writers from Nunavik, Nunavut, Nunatsiavut and Greenland, a presentation of works written by the Inuit of these territories, documents to better understand the cultural Inuit history, and a cultural chronology taken from their own works. (Laboratoire international de recherche sur l'imaginaire du Nord, de l'hiver et de l'Arctique. Université du Québec à Montréal. «Littératures inuites». URL [] )

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Imaginary Perspectives
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit, Indigenous literature, Indigenous authors
    Capture Littératures inuits

  • Inuktitut (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami)


    Inuktitut magazine is published by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the national Inuit association in Canada. Each colourful issue has several feature articles, first person stories and book reviews. (Inuktitut, 1959 to the present)

    Collection(s): Current perspectives, News
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit, Culture, Indigenous literature
    The cover of the Inuktitut magazine, issue 128-129

  • Keetsahnak: our missing and murdered indigenous sisters

    Concordia (eBook) | Laval (eBook) | McGill (eBook) | UQTR (eBook)

    With essays from Indigenous women, this book analyses colonial violence within what is now called "Canada" and provides an anti-violence model from an Indigenous perspective. (Kim Anderson, Maria Campbell & Christi Belcourt eds., Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, 2018, 400 p. )

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Colonialism
    Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous women, Indigenous authors
    "Keetsahnak" book cover

  • Le Nord, latitudes imaginaires

    Laval (Print Book)

    A collection of comparative and thematic studies by European authors on the idea of the North in literature. (Monique Dubar et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq : Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3, 2000, 490 p.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Imaginary Perspectives
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Imaginary North, Literature, Northern Europe
    Le Nord, latitudes imaginaires

  • Le(s) Nord(s) imaginaire(s)

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book) | UQAM (Print Book) | UQTR (Print Book)

    A collection of essays offering an international perspective on the idea of the North in literature and the arts. (Daniel Chartier, Montréal : Imaginaire/Nord, 2008, 335 p.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Imaginary Perspectives
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Arts, Discovery, Exploration, Imaginary North, Literature
    Le(s) Nord(s) imaginaire(s)

  • Les conditions d’une collaboration éthique entre chercheurs autochtones et non autochtones

    Available to all

    Reflections on the methodologies and concepts used in Indigenous Studies (abstract in English). (Karine Gentelet, Cahiers de recherche sociologique, no 48, 2009.)

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Research Ethics and Practice in Indigenous Communities, Selected Articles
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Research ethics, Indigenous studies, Research methodologies, Research with Indigenous peoples, Research by Indigenous peoples
    Cahiers de recherche sociologique 48

  • Les Innus et le territoire: Innu tipenitamun (BAnQ)

    BAnQ (eBook) | Laval (Print Book) | UQAM (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book) | UQTR (Print Book)

    Book examining, from a territorial perspective, questions such as those of the universe of Innu society, its values and its legal order at the time of the arrival of Europeans and its subsequent transformation. The work is intended to be a contribution to the application of the principles of Innu and Nitassinan law.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Historical Perspectives, Perspectives on Colonialism, *** First Peoples of the North ***, *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Indigenous Peoples
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Innu territory, Law, Land occupancy
    Les Innus et le territoire: Innu tipenitamun

  • Lignes directrices pour la recherche (Institut nordique du Québec)

    Available to all

    A discussion paper setting out ethical northern research guidelines with a view to the decolonization of research. It also proposes approaches for conducting research in the North.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Research Ethics and Practice in Indigenous Communities, Statements, Principles, and Guidelines
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Research ethics, INQ, Research, Research with Indigenous peoples, Indigenous authors

  • National Inuit Strategy on Research (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami)

    Available to all

    Research vision and objectives in the greater Inuit Nunangat region, as defined by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a representative body of 65,000 Inuit of Canada.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Research Ethics and Practice in Indigenous Communities, Statements, Principles, and Guidelines
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Research ethics, Research, Research with Indigenous peoples, Research by Indigenous peoples, Indigenous authors
    Stratégie nationale inuite sur la recherche

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