

The databases presented on this page are devoted specifically to northern, Arctic, or Indigenous studies, or contain significant content relating to these fields. They provide access to journal articles, reports, theses, books, and other publications.

Access to the free databases is open to all. Some of them provide access to bibliographic references only, while others allow the full text of publications to be obtained (free access). Restricted-access databases are part of the resources acquired through institutional subscriptions. Their use is license-based, and is restricted to members of the universities mentioned.

To consult the various categories and subcategories that this collection contains, use the filter Collection.


Displaying 41 - 45 of 45 results

  • SPRILIB Ice and Snow

    Available to all

    Tous les aspects de la neige et de la glace dans le monde entier. Environ 40 000 notices, listant les travaux publiés de 1661 à 2003.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Natural Sciences
    Free - Open Access, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Ice, Snow, Earth sciences, Environmental sciences

  • SPRILIB Russian North

    Available to all

    Publications concernant le nord de la Russie et la Sibérie. Environ 25 000 notices, listant les travaux publiés de 1671 à 2003. Attention! La base ne peut PAS être cherchée en cyrillique.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Free - Open Access, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Ice, Russia, Siberia

  • US Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Available to all

    OSTI.GOV covers over 70 years of research results from the U.S. Department of Energy. Journal articles, accepted manuscripts, technical reports, datasets, scientific software, patents, conference proceedings, books, theses, and multimedia. Approximately 3 million citations and over 445,000 freely available documents.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Engineering and Technology
    Free - Open Access, Free - Reference only, Engineering and Technology
    Subjects: Energy, Earth sciences, Environmental sciences, Physical sciences

  • Web of Science

    Concordia (Restricted Access) | INRS | Laval | McGill

    Database containing over 55 million article and conference proceedings citations, primarily in the sciences, but also in the humanities and social sciences. Features significant coverage of northern and Arctic studies. The database can be searched by citation to find articles cited by other publications.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Multidisciplinary, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Reserved Access, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: N/A
    Web of science

  • Yukon Biodiversity Database (ASTIS)

    Available to all

    Descriptions of 8,900 publications resulting from research projects on the biology (including botany, zoology, ecology, and environmental protection) of the Yukon and the Beaufort Sea.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Natural Sciences
    Free - Reference only, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Biodiversity, Biology, Beaufort Sea, Environmental sciences, Yukon
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