4th Annual McGill Northern Research Day; Highlighting Early Career Researchers Leadership

4th Annual McGill Northern Research Day

, Montreal, McGill Faculty Club

This year’s event will focus on early career researchers and their leadership in redefining how northern research is conceived, conducted, and communicated. Presentations will highlight new research results generated by early career researchers as well as the training, research, and community engagement initiatives and innovations they are introducing that advance, challenge, or reject conventional approaches to northern research.  

This event is open to everyone but you have to register.

Proposals for oral and poster presentations are invited from McGill under-graduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers, as well as faculty presenting on early career training initiatives. We encourage contributions that highlight community engagement activities. Oral presentations will be 15-25 minutes in duration, scheduled between 9:00 and 4:00, and posters will be speed-pitched in a plenary session prior to a lunch hour poster session.   Deadline for submission of oral and poster presentation abstracts is Friday, January 10, 2020.

Register and submit a proposed presentation here.

Categories: science day
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