Tentes jaunes entre eau et montagnes glacées

Scientific News

To celebrate Quebec's excellence in northern research and to highlight the various challenges and issues related to these territories, Institut nordique du Québec offers you a series of articles dedicated to the research conducted in its community.

Over the months, you will discover a multidisciplinary research community whose strength lies in the complementary expertise of its members. You will meet individuals who share a strong attachment to the North and who are dedicated to producing, in collaboration with the inhabitants of the region, the knowledge necessary for its sustainable and harmonious development.

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Like the tree that hides the forest, the polar bear is the animal that hides Arctic biodiversity in Nunavut. The white plantigrade is not the only one to suffer the effects of climate change, microorganisms are also affected and they are the basis of ecosystems, the resources of northern communities and potentially a reservoir of useful genes for medicine.
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