Troupeau de caribous migrateurs


Upcoming Events

Past Events

, Online - open to everybody
A training offered by Sentinel North in collaboration with IMPAKT Scientifik.
, Online - open to everybody
A workshop offered by Sentinel North in collaboration with Julien Chapdelaine, strategic advisor - social media, FRQ; and Marianne Falardeau, northern researcher and scientific communicator, Chaire Littoral
, Online - open to everybody

The MinErAL project (of the INQ Research Chair on Sustainable Development of the North) invites you to participate in a webinar entitled "Border flows in the Canadian North and Circumpolar Governance".

, en ligne - ouvert à tous
Training offered by Sentinel North with Vincent Larivière, professor at UdM, holder of the Canada Research Chair on Transformations in Scholarly Communication.
to , Beaupré
2020 marks the 50th year of collaborative oceanographic research in Quebec. This year's scientific meeting will serve to unveil new knowledge, recognize excellence, and as always, develop innovative avenues of research and transfer.
affiliated centre, science day
to , Montreal
The Centre for Northern Studies (CEN) annual conference highlights the contribution of CEN members and collaborators to the development and influence of Quebec's expertise in northern environmental sciences.
conference, affiliated centre, science day
to , Ottawa, Canada
The Northern Lights Business & Cultural Showcase is designed to profile Eastern Arctic & North business, industry, history, and culture.
, Québec
The conference will be presented on January 29, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. at Université Laval (Pavillon d'Optique-photonique) in room COP-1168. Event free and open to all.
, Montreal, McGill Faculty Club
This year’s event will focus on early career researchers and their leadership in redefining how northern research is conceived, conducted, and communicated.
science day
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