Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)

UQAR is home to a diverse group of researchers who focus on northern environments from an interdisciplinary perspective. This critical mass of researchers is spread throughout several departments, as well as Institut des sciences de la mer, BORÉAS institutional research group, the Uapishka Research Station and five Canada Research Chairs which focus on northern biodiversity, integrative biology of northern fauna, geochemistry of coastal ecosystems, coastal geosciences and marine geology.

List of affiliated researchers

Name Research priorities Research types Contact Photo
Arsenault, Dominique Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, dendrochronology, ecology, perturbations, forest ecosystems Email
Photo du chercheur
Bélanger, Simon Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection geography, oceanography, remote sensing and observation systems, climate change, Nordic environments Email
Simon Belanger
Berteaux, Dominique Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, biodiversity, protected areas, climate change, terrestrial animal ecology, mammalogy, traditional local knowlege Email
Dominique Berteaux
Bêty, Joël Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, biodiversity, climate change, conservation, terrestrial animal ecology, ecosystems and communities ecology, migratory birds Email
Joel Bêty
Calosi, Piero Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, climate change biology, ocean acidification Email
Piero Calosi
Cardinal, Sébastien Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection chimie des produits naturels, environmental chemistry, valorisation de biomasse Email
Chaillou, Gwénaëlle Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection marine chemistry, geochemistry, sediments, aquatic ecosystems, marine ecology, environment Email
Gwenaelle Chaillou
de Lafontaine, Guillaume Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, plant ecology, climate change, terrestrial ecosystems Email
Guillaume de Lafontaine
Didier, David Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection risques et aléas littoraux, morphodynamique littorale, littoral Arctique et subarctique, vagues, submersion, cartography, télédétection côtière par vidéo, observatoire communautaire. Email
David Didier
Dumont, Dany Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection physical oceanography, polar and subpolar environments, arctic ice pack Email
Dany Dumont
Gauthier, Francis Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection geography, geomorphology, mountain, natural hazards Email
Francis Gauthier
Gosselin, Michel Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, oceanography, phytoplankton ecology Email
Michel Gosselin
Ilinca, Adrian Priority 4 - Infrastructure and Technology engineering, wind energy, renewable energy Email
Adrian Ilinca
Montero Serrano, Juan Carlos Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection oceanography, marine geochemistry, marine geology, palaeo-oceanography Email
Juan Carlos Montero Serrano
Nozais, Christian Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, biodiversity, aquatic ecology, disturbance ecology, ecosystems dynamics Email
Christian Nozais
Rochon, André Priority 5 - Natural Resources oceanography, marine geology, palaeoecology, invasive species Email
André Rochon
St Louis, Richard Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection chemistry, oceanography, aquatic environments pollution, marine mammals Email
Richard St Louis
St-Laurent, Martin-Hughes Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, animal ecology, conservation, terrestrial wildlife management Email
Martin Hugues St Laurent
St-Onge, Guillaume Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection marine geology, paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, sedimentology, natural hazards Email
Guillaume St Onge
Vézina, François Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, ecology, ecophysiology, écologie hivernale, oiseaux Email
Francois Vezina
Xie, Huixiang Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection oceanography, marine chemistry, biogeochemistry, carbon cycle Email
Huixiang Xie
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