Université Laval

A pioneer for over half a century in northern and Arctic research, Université Laval is home to several major interuniversity research centres, including Centre d’études nordiques (CEN), Québec Océan (QO) and Centre interuniversitaire d’études en recherches autochtones (CIÉRA). It oversees the Sentinel North research program and is home to Institut nordique du Québec and ArcticNet, three front-line northern research initiatives. The CCGS Amundsen icebreaker, a state-of-the-art research ship deployed to the Arctic Ocean and Takuvik Joint International Laboratory (CNRS/UL), devoted to remote sensing of Canada's new Arctic frontier, are also hosted by Université Laval.

List of affiliated researchers

Name Research priorities Research types Contact Photo
Halley, Paule Priority 1 - Societies and Culture law, environmental law, sustainable development, protection of the Arctic Email
Paule Halley
Herrmann, Markus Priority 1 - Societies and Culture économie, epidemiology, économie; épidémiologie; biostatistique Email
Markus Herrmann
Herve, Caroline Priority 1 - Societies and Culture anthropology, political anthropology, indigenous peoples law, Nunavik, Alaska Email
Caroline Herve
Kenny, Tiff-Annie Priority 2 - Health food security, nutrition en santé publique, déterminants sociaux et écologiques de la santé, health equity Email
Kolliopoulos, Georgios Priority 5 - Natural Resources hydrometallurgy, energy, restauration environnementale, residus miniers, gestion durable de l'eau Email
Georgios Kolliopoulos
Krolik, Christophe Priority 1 - Societies and Culture law, environmental law, natural resources law, climate change Email
Christophe Krolik
Lajeunesse, Patrick Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection geomorphology, sedimentology Email
Photo du chercheur
Larivière, Dominic Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection chimie analytique environnementale, spectrométrie de masse inorganique, radioactivité environnementale, radioécologie Email
Dominic Larivière
Lasserre, Frédéric Priority 1 - Societies and Culture geography, arctic geopolitics, sea law, water management Email
Frédéric Lasserre
Lavaud, Johann Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, marine biology, photosynthesis Email
Johann Lavaud
Leblanc, Michaël Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection soil contamination, classification des sols, qualité et fertilité des sols, conservation des sols Email
Michaël Leblanc
Legagneux, Pierre Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, behavioural ecology, ornithology, animal migration, stress physiology Email
Pierre Legagneux
Lemieux, Jean-Michel Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection geology, hydrogeology, hydrological engineering, Nunavik Email
Jean-Michel Lemieux
Lemire, Mélanie Priority 2 - Health medicine, social medicine, predictive medicine, Inuit health, northern ecosystem Email
Mélanie Lemire
Lépine, Julien Priority 4 - Infrastructure and Technology Road transportation, dynamic modelling, protective packaging, experimental methods Email
Photo du chercheur
Levasseur, Maurice Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection oceanography, marine ecology, arctic ocean, fishery Email
Maurice Levasseur
Lovejoy, Connie Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection integrative biology, marine ecology, population ecology, aquatic ecology Email
Connie Lovejoy
Lucas, Michel Priority 2 - Health social medicine, predictive medicine, nutrition, first nation health Email
Michel Lucas
Mantovani, Diego Priority 2 - Health material and manufacturing technology, metallurgy, polymers, medical devices Email
Diego Mantovani
Maps, Frédéric Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, engineering, oceanography, digital modelling, ocean ecosystems, arctic ocean Email
Frédéric Maps
Ménard, Caroline Priority 2 - Health psychiatry, neurosciences, depressive disorder, immune system Email
Caroline Menard
Molson, John Priority 5 - Natural Resources hydrogeology, digital modelling, contaminants, groundwater Email
John Molson
Moore, Jean-Sébastien Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection population ecology, limnology, ecosystems dynamics, fisheries management Email
Jean Sébastien Moore
Muckle, Gina Priority 2 - Health psychology, developmental psychology, predictive medicine, epidemiology, toxicology, Inuit health, children Email
Gina Muckle
Nadeau , Daniel Priority 5 - Natural Resources water management, hydrology, hydrometeorology, hydraulic systems, mécanisme des fluides Email
Daniel Nadeau
Pienitz, Reinhard Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection geography, biogeography, limnology, paleolimnology, climate change Email
Reinhard Pienitz
Potvin, André Priority 1 - Societies and Culture, Priority 4 - Infrastructure and Technology architecture bioclimatique, architecture bioclimatique; neutalité carbonique Email
André Potvin
Rochefort, Line Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection plant ecology, biology, phytology, conservation of bogs Email
Line Rochefort
Rodon, Thierry Priority 1 - Societies and Culture political science, Arctic governance, gouvernance autochtone Email
Thierry Rodon
Rodrigue, Denis Priority 4 - Infrastructure and Technology chemical engineering, renewable materials, polymer systems Email
Denis Rodrigue
Rodriguez, Manuel Priority 5 - Natural Resources territory development, environmental engineering, water quality, freshwater management Email
Manuel Rodriguez
Roy-Léveillée, Pascale Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection, Priority 4 - Infrastructure and Technology permafrost, geomorphology Email
Photo du chercheur
Saleh, Ahmad Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, biochemistry, synthetic biology, genetic engineering, microbiology, immunology Email
Ahmad Saleh
Therrien, René Priority 5 - Natural Resources geology, hydrogeology, geothermal energy, groundwater, water resources management, digital modelling Email
René Therrien
Tremblay, Jean-Éric Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, ecophysiology, biological oceanography, phytoplancton, food chain Email
Jean Eric Tremblay
Tremblay, Jean-Pierre Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, applied ecology, management and conservation of wild fauna, fauna-forest interaction Email
Jean Pierre Tremblay
Vachon, Genevieve Priority 1 - Societies and Culture architecture, urban design, participatory planning process, urban planning history, housing Email
Genevieve Vachon
Vincent, Warwick Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection biology, limnology, aquatic ecosystem, environmental changes, ice, permafrost Email
Vincent Warwick
Voyer, Normand Priority 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection chemistry, organic chemistry, green chemistry, natural products Email
Normand Voyer
Wong, Gary Priority 2 - Health medicine, infectiology, epidemiology, ebola, hepatitis B, zoonosis, migratory birds Email
Gary Wong
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