Institut nordique du Québec's newsletter
August 1, 2018
Atikᶸ : The Northern and Arctic Studies Portal is online
Atikᶸ, a multidisciplinary and inter-university portal of the best international documentary resources for research on the North and the Arctic, is now online on the INQ website.
The portal is specifically aimed at researchers and members of indigenous communities. That said, those seeking to develop their knowledge of the North and its issues will also benefit.
Explore it, but be warned, it is possible that you will be there for hours!
Atikᶸ abroad Joë Bouchard, Consulting Librarian at Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval, is one of Atikᶸ's lead designers. He recently took part in the Polar Libraries Colloquy 2018 conference in Finland where he presented Atikᶸ.
Our new tool was very well received. Among all of its attributes, Atikᶸ amazes with its collaborative approach. Indeed, the collaboration between three institutions to create the portal was hailed and described as the example to follow for the realization of large projects.
The INQ would like to thank the three pioneers behind Atikᶸ:
• Jill Borruf, Associate Librarian, Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering, McGill University
• Jean-Daniel Bourgault, Library Specialist, Documentation and Information Department - Québec Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
• Joë Bouchard, Consulting Librarian, Centre GéoStat, Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval
We wish to see this reference tool grow and open the door to possible collaborations with the library services of future INQ members.
MOOC | Northern Quebec:
offered for the fourth time this fall
Photo credit: Amélie Breton
This course offers an introduction to the sociopolitical issues of Northern Quebec, the ancestral territory of many Aboriginal peoples. This course focuses on understanding the culture of northern communities, the place of these lands in our collective psyche, and the different perspectives of territorial development and sociopolitical evolution.
This free online course is available in English and French. Registrations are open to everyone.
English version Northern Quebec: Issues, Spaces and Cultures
October 8 to December 3, 2018 -Registration-
French version Le Québec nordique: enjeux, espaces et cultures February 4 to April 2, 2019
More details on our website.
The INQ at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2018 (October 19 to 21, 2018)
This year again, the INQ will be prominently featured in the program of the largest international gathering on the Arctic. Indeed, we have confirmation that the two breakout sessions submitted to the Arctic Circle Assembly organizing committee have been approved!
Session 1: Lightning talks from the winners of Mon projet nordique / My Northern Project competition: PhD students from Quebec and the Nordics
This session, organized by INQ, FRQNT, and UArctic, will host the international final of the "Mon projet nordique" contest. 12 students will present their Northern research project in 5 minutes.
Session 2: Preserving the Biodiversity - Exploring New Conservation Planning Models
Northern regions are vital for their biodiversity features and ecosystem services. These regions also harbor major resources that are attractive options for industrial development projects. Balancing the use of northern lands in ways that ensure the long-term maintenance of these globally important biodiversity and ecosystem services while allowing economically advantageous resource extraction is the challenge of our time.
This session is organized by the Société du Plan Nord, the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie and the INQ.
The program for the event is not yet available. To find out where and when these two sessions will take place during the Arctic Circle Assembly, check out our next newsletters or our website in the coming weeks.
Register for the Arctic Circle Assembly.
Summary of recent INQ activities
Visit of a delegation of parliamentarians to the INQ (June 14, 2018)
The issues which are facing northern environments were at the heart of the discussions of the first meeting of the Québec-Newfoundland and Labrador Parliamentary Association which took place June 12-14, 2018 in Québec City.
On June 14, the INQ and Université Laval hosted this delegation of Québec and Newfoundland and Labrador parlimentarians.
They attended a general presentation of the INQ offered by Louis Fortier, INQ's Science and Innovation Director, and a presentation on the potential for geothermal heat production north of the 49th parallel presented by Nicolo Giordano, a postdoctoral fellow at INRS.
Created in 2018, the Québec-Newfoundland and Labrador Parliamentary Association focuses on issues of common interest between the two provinces.
Northern days (June 5-6, 2018)
The Northerns days were a great success. Each of the two days attracted about 85 people.
« Mon projet nordique »
The INQ would like to congratulate the 17 Ph.D. students who took part in the « Mon projet nordique » contest. Explaining your thesis in five minutes is a demanding exercise!
We had many quality presentations. The jury members also confirmed that they did not find the task easy when it came time to selecting the six finalists who will represent Quebec at the Arctic Circle Assembly next October in Reykjavik, Iceland.
The six finalists selected on June 5th will present their project again, but this time in English, alongside six other Ph.D. students chosen by UArctic. It is only after this event that we will be able to reveal to you the winner of « Mon projet nordique » 2018.
Moreover, in preparation for the final, the Quebec students will participate in a preparatory workshop. From body language to word choice, a committee will analyze the oral presentations of Ph.D. students and make recommendations to maximize their chances of winning the competition.
Good luck to all of the candidates and thank you to the FRQNT which will cover the expenses of the Quebec finalists during their stay in Reykjavik.
« Mon projet nordique » Day (June 5, 2018)
In addition to the presentations offered in the "Mon projet nordique" competition, the day was punctuated by the lectures of four researchers who presented us some realities of fieldwork in northern and Arctic environments.
Jasmin Raymond, Chairholder of the Northern Geothermal Potential Research Chair, INRS. Le potentiel de production de chaleur géothermique au nord du 49e parallèle; travaux issus d’une première campagne terrain
Steeve Côté, Professor, Caribou Ungava's Director, Université Laval. Caribou Ungava: un programme de recherche sur la dynamique des populations du caribou migrateur
Martine Lizotte, Research Professional CRC Ocean biogeochemistry and climate, Université Laval, Nuageux avec une chance de microbes marins: exploration arctique en été
Caroline Hervé, Assistant Professor, département d’anthropologie, Université Laval, Possibilités et impossibilités de la recherche dans l'Arctique : comparaison entre deux expériences de terrain dans les communautés inuit du Nunavik
Interdisciplinary Exchange Day on the North(June 6, 2018)
The day was primarily organized by the Chaire sur le développement durable du Nord and explored the beneficial collaboration that exists between researchers working in diverse fields, members of Aboriginal communities and community partners for addressing the complex issues of the North. The event highlighted the contributions and challenges of interdisciplinarity.
Membership development of the INQ (May 25, 2018)
On May 25, Louis Fortier, INQ's Science and Innovation Director and Brigitte Bigué, INQ Project Director, presented the INQ to the members of the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI).
The members of the BCI welcomed the INQ project and several institutions expressed a keen interest in joining our ranks.
The BCI is a voluntary coalition of Québec universities whose mission is to promote exchanges between Québec university administrators, coordinate their deliberations on joint initiatives and provide support services to universities. This was the perfect place to present the INQ.
INQ at the "Arctic Sustainability" Summit (May 23-24, 2018)
The "Arctic Sustainability" Summit, in which the INQ was a partner, took place on May 23 and 24 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. This summit was presented as part of the G7 Research Summits hosted throughout 2018.
Various themes related to the North and the Arctic were discussed by individual panels. Louis Fortier, INQ's Science and Innovation Director, participated on “Arctic Climate Change and Global Implications” panel. He also moderated the panel discussion on “Accessible, Usable, and Timely Science.”
The participants on “The Student Perspective” panel organized by the INQ. Nicolo Giordano (INRS), Glenda Sandy (Université Laval), Gwyneth Anne McMillan (Université de Montréal) and Marianne Falardeau (McGill University). Karla Williamson (moderator, University of Saskatchewan) is absent from the picture.
The INQ's primary mandate was to select the speakers for the panel reserved for the next generation of scientists, "The Student Perspective". They made eight recommendations to the northern and Arctic scientific community.
Discover their recommendations.
Funding opportunity
Fonds d'initiatives du Plan Nord (FIPN)
The next call for projects will be announced in August 2018.
The FIPN supports and promotes projects that:
generate economic activity and also create and maintain jobs in the area covered by the Plan Nord;
assist development and wellbeing in communities in the North;
target protection for the environment and the conservation of biodiversity
Watch this page or follow us on Facebook to get the dates of the deposit period when they become available.
Upcoming events
Sentinel North annual meeting (27-30 August, 2018)
Journée de la Recherche Sciences et Génie (21 September. 2018)
Arctic Circle Assembly (19-21 October, 2018)
Arctic Net Annual Scientific Meeting (10-14 December, 2018)
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Institut nordique du Québec
Vice Rectorate of Research and Innovation
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045 avenue de la Médecine, Université Laval
Québec City, Québec G1V 0A6