
Forum | The impact of climate change on indigenous ecosystems and research

to , Centre des Premières Nations Nikanite

This forum is an opportunity to take stock of research and structuring projects for Indigenous research in the North, and to discuss ways to participate in the self-determination of First Peoples in research.   

The event will bring together some 60 people: representatives of the Innu, Cree, Naskapi, Atikamekw, Anicinape and Inuit nations, as well as Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers and actors from the research community. During this two-day meeting, various projects will be presented and plenary sessions will allow participants to exchange ideas. Simultaneous translation (English-French) will be available on both days. 

The presentations and discussions held during the Forum will result in two documents: a short report of discussions during the Forum and an update of the Research Guidelines document.


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