Webinar 17 | Training "The ecosystem of northern research in Canada" (In French)
Presenters : Jean-Éric Tremblay, Director of Institut nordique du Québec, Scientific Director of the Québec-Ocean strategic cluster, and Professor in the Department of Biology at Université Laval
Subject of the presentation : Northern research in Canada is filled with accomplishments by renowned teams and networks across the country that have built research capacity over the years. Over the past few decades, and with the acceleration of environmental transformations in the North, the interest in northern research has grown. A true "ecosystem" has emerged, made up of research centers, institutes, networks, infrastructures and major initiatives that combine to address local and global issues in collaboration with various northern partners and organizations from both the public and private sectors.
This webinar will inform and equip students, professionals and new northern researchers with an understanding of the foundations of the northern research ecosystem in Canada and the role of key stakeholders, in order to facilitate their progress and guide them towards promising and sustainable collaborations in the development of their initiatives.
Complementary Resources :
Cadre stratégique pour l'Arctique et le Nord du Canada (2019)
Stratégie nationale inuite sur la recherche, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (2018)
Rapport sur l’état du savoir nordique au Canada, Commission canadienne des affaires polaires (2014)