Webinar 21 | Understanding the evolution of nordicity: update of L.E. Hamelin's indices

Presenters :  Thierry Rodon, professor Aude Therrien, research professional and Béatrice Toutant, Master's student -  INQ Northern Sustainable Development Chair

Title of the presentation: Understanding the evolution of nordicity: update of L.E. Hamelin's indices

Abstract: Louis-Edmond Hamelin, the geographer responsible for the concept of nordicity, noted confusion in the use of terms of reference and criteria to designate cold regions. To overcome this problem, he created a nordicity index, composed of ten indicators, both physical (latitude, summer heat, annual cold, ice type, total precipitation, vegetation cover) and human (accessibility by air, accessibility by means other than air, population, degree of economic activity). The addition of each of these indices allows the calculation of a total northern value for each place or community.  During this webinar, Thierry Rodon and his team will present this index, but also the work they are currently doing to update it.

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