Radisson Ecological Research Station (CEN)


Radisson is located in a boreal forest environment dominated by black spruce and jack pine. The region is poor in terms of flora (350 vascular species), but rich in terms of wildlife (40 mammal species and 60 bird species). Fire is the dynamic agent of regional forests. It structures the landscape in a mosaic between rocky hills separating wet depressions dominated by lakes and peatlands. Radisson is located in the postglacial marine invasion zone and the presence of clays in the depressions of the relief limits drainage. The region has been the subject of ecological studies and monitoring since 1974, in the context of the development of the hydroelectric complex. Synthesis books produced by Hydro-Québec and the Société d'énergie de la Baie James are available.

Services offered

Wet and dry laboratory, chemical hood, electronic balance and microscope / binocular. WHMIS training or its equivalent is required to use the laboratories. No chemical storage is permitted, all products must be returned after use.

Resource person
Mickaël Lemay
Pavillon Abitibi Price, 2405, rue de la Terrasse, local 1204, Université Laval
418.656.2131 poste 402503
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