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Displaying 181 - 200 of 397 results

  • Inuit print - Growth: I (BAnQ)

    Available to all

    Print by Ludmila Armate, painter of Polish origin working in Quebec, published in a collection of the West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative. In the late 1990s, at the instigation of his coming to Kinngait Studios, the Inuit of Cape Dorset were introduced to large-format drawings with oil sticks for the first time.

    Collection(s): *** Archives and Primary Sources ***, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Archives and Primary Sources
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous art, Inuit
    Inuit print - Growth: I

  • Inuit Unikkaangit / ᐃᓄᐃᑦ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖏᑦ (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)

    BAnQ (Podcast Series)

    Host and Archivist Mary Powder reunites Inuit with stories from CBC North’s vast Inuktitut language archives by replaying them for the descendants of the original storytellers, some of whom are hearing them for the very first time. (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Toronto, 2020. )

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Archives and Primary Sources
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    Subjects: Inuit, Oral narratives

  • Inuit uqausillaringit : ulirnaisigutiit

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Concordia (Print Book) | INRS (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book)

    Trilingual dictionary of the Tunumiisut dialect of Inuktitut (also known as Ammassalik).

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Languages, *** Dictionaries and Encyclopedias ***, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Inuktitut dialects, Inuktitut Dictionary, Syllabic writing, Inuit, Inuktitut, Inuktitut language, Nunavik
    Inuit uqausillaringit

  • Inuktitut (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami)


    Inuktitut magazine is published by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the national Inuit association in Canada. Each colourful issue has several feature articles, first person stories and book reviews. (Inuktitut, 1959 to the present)

    Collection(s): Current perspectives, News
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit, Culture, Indigenous literature
    The cover of the Inuktitut magazine, issue 128-129

  • Inuktitut dictionary : Tununiq dialect

    Laval (Print Book)

    A dictionary of the Tununiq dialect of Inuktitut (Baffin Island). Text in syllabic fonts only.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Languages, *** Dictionaries and Encyclopedias ***, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Inuktitut dialects, Inuktitut Dictionary, Syllabic writing, Baffin Island, Inuit, Inuktitut, Inuktitut language
    Inuktitut dictionary : Tununiq dialect

  • Inuktitut Tusaalanga Glossary

    Available to all

    Glossary of 5 Inuktitut dialects spoken in Nunavut: Inuinnaqtun, Nattilinmiut, Saallirmiut, South Qikiqtaaluk, and North Qikiqtaaluk.

    Collection(s): *** Dictionaries and Encyclopedias ***, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Languages
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Inuktitut dialects, Inuktitut glossary, Inuit, Inuktitut, Inuktitut language, Nunavut
    Glossaires Inuktitut Tusaalanga

  • Inuvialuit Settlement Region Database (ASTIS)

    Available to all

    Contains descriptions of 13,200 research publications about the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories and Yukon.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Databases
    Free - Open Access, Free - Reference only, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Inuvialuit, Environmental sciences, Social sciences, Northwest Territories, Yukon
    Inuvialuit Settlement Region Database

  • IsumaTV

    Available to all

    Web platform for videos filmed by Indigenous directors depicting the contemporary realities of First Nations peoples.

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Online Films, *** Online Films ***, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Online Films
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Documentaries, Films, Inuit, Videos

  • Jardin de givre collection

    BAnQ (Print Book and eBook) | Concordia (eBook) | Laval (eBook)

    The literary works in this collection, published by the International Laboratory for Research on the Imaginary of the North, Winter and the Arctic, aim to document, study and interpret the northern Quebecois and circumpolar imagination from a multicultural perspective, comparative and multidisciplinary. They particularly value comparisons between the cultures of Quebec, Scandinavia, Finland and the Inuit world.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit
    Collection Jardin de givre

  • Je te veux vivant

    BAnQ (Printed Book) | Laval (Print Book)

    This collection of poetry by Virginia Pésémapéo-Bordeleau, a Cree Métis born in Rapides-des-Cèdres, inspires hope and life, despite the suffering of mourning and loneliness. The author takes us on two trajectories of pain which, upon leaving, defeat death.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous literature, Indigenous authors, Poetry
    Je te veux vivant

  • Je veux que les Inuit soient libres de nouveau : autobiographie (1914-1993) = Inunnik isumainnaqiqujigiallapunga : Inuusirminik allagaliavininga (1914-mit 1993-mut)

    BAnQ (eBook) | Laval (eBook) | UQTR (eBook)

    Taamusi Qumaq (1914-1993), considered one of the great thinkers of the Inuit of Nunavik, devoted his life to recording the lives of his people and their language, while recording the great changes of the 20th century. His autobiography, translated into French and available for the first time in its original language, is a document of great importance that opens up a compelling cultural universe. (Taamusi Qumaq Allatangit, Québec, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2020, 309 p.)

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous Authors (Essays)
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit, Nunavik, Cultural identity, History
    Je veux que les Inuit soient libres de nouveau / Taamusi Qumaq Allatangit

  • Keetsahnak: our missing and murdered indigenous sisters

    Concordia (eBook) | Laval (eBook) | McGill (eBook) | UQTR (eBook)

    With essays from Indigenous women, this book analyses colonial violence within what is now called "Canada" and provides an anti-violence model from an Indigenous perspective. (Kim Anderson, Maria Campbell & Christi Belcourt eds., Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, 2018, 400 p. )

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Colonialism
    Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Colonialism, Indigenous women, Indigenous authors
    "Keetsahnak" book cover

  • Kluane Lake Research Station Bibliography (ASTIS)

    Available to all

    References 1,100 publications of geoscience, biology, and high altitude physiology research conducted at the Kluane Lake Research Station in southwestern Yukon.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Natural Sciences, Health Sciences
    Free - Reference only, Health Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Biology, Kluane Lake, Physiology, Earth sciences, Yukon

  • Knowledge Resources & Publications (National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health)

    Available to all

    Reports, articles, chapters, bulletins, and other documents dealing with the health and well-being of Canada's First Nations. Freely available resource.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Health Sciences, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Databases
    Free - Open Access, Health Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Social determinants of health, Health policy, Family health, Mental health
    Centre de collaboration nationale de la santé autochtone

  • Kuessipan

    BAnQ (eBook) | Concordia (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book) | UQAM (Print Book) | UQTR (Print Book)

    This novel by Naomi Fontaine is presented as a series of prose poems which introduces the reader to the daily life on an Innu reserve and which tenderly displays, but without any concession, the character, customs, feelings, and passions of a young Innu who courageously negotiates the comings and goings between the reserve and the city, so common for the people of Uashat-Maliotenan.

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous literature, Indigenous authors, Innu-aitun, Innu

  • Kukum

    BAnQ (eBook) | Concordia (Print Book) | Laval (eBook) | Laval (Print Book) | UQTR (Print Book)

    This novel by Innu author and journalist Michel Jean, from the Mashteuiatsh community, tells the story of the brutal sedentarization of the Innu through the unique story of his great-grandmother. This work, which won the France-Quebec Literary Prize, immerses the reader in the life of Almanda Siméon, a white woman who will choose a nomadic life by marrying an Innu from Mashteuiatsh.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous literature, Indigenous authors, Sedentarization, Innu, Innu territory

  • Kuujjuaq: Memories and musings

    Concordia (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book)

    Autobiography of Kuujjuaq elder, Dorothy Mesher. (Dorothy Mesher, Duncan BC, Unica Publishing Company, 1995, 123 p.)

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous Authors (Essays)
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit, Indigenous authors, Cultural identity

  • L'appel de l'Arctique

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Laval (eBook)

    In this travelogue with a preface by Jean Malaurie, Jean-Marc Huguet, Doctor of Education, travels through the territories of the Great North, the lands of Ellesmere, Baffin, Greenland and Svalbard, regions that compel the traveller to cast his gaze far and wide. (Jean-Marc Huguet, Paris, Harmattan, 2010, 167 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), General Subjects, Exploration
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Culture, Exploration
    L'appel de l'Arctique / Jean-Marc Huguet

  • L'esprit du Nord : propos sur l'autochtonie québécoise

    BAnQ (eBook) | Concordia (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | UQAM (Print Book) | UQTR (Print Book)

    Collection of essays on the themes of Aboriginal peoples and nordicity by a non-Aboriginal man, lover of the North. (Jean Désy, Montréal, XYZ, 2010, 225 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Indigenous Peoples
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Nordicity
    Book cover of "L'esprit du Nord".

  • La forêt vive : récits fondateurs du peuple innu (BAnQ)

    BAnQ (Printed Book) | UQTR (eBook)

    This book is made up of four chapters each presenting a legend relating to an aspect of Innu mythology. Each caption is followed by an explanatory text in which the author describes variations that can be found in other storytellers or among other indigenous groups.

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Indigenous Peoples
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    La forêt vive : récits fondateurs du peuple innu

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