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Displaying 221 - 240 of 397 results

  • Lettre à un Inuit de 2022 : Un regard angoissé sur le destin d'un peuple

    BAnQ (eBook) | Laval (Print Book)

    A letter from a Frenchman who has made the Arctic his home for 60 years to convince the Inuit, the Greenlanders and the 26 nationalities of northern Siberia to withstand the temptations of the current system and to establish an ecological humanism in order to live in a healthy, unpolluted environment. (Jean Malaurie, Paris, Fayard, 2015, 157 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Climate and Environment
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document
    Subjects: Greenland, Ecology, Inuit
    Lettre à un Inuit de 2022 / Jean Malaurie

  • Life Among the Qallunaat

    Concordia (eBook) | UQTR (eBook)

    Author Mini Aodla Freeman's account of living in both her traditional world and the settlers' world. (Mini Aodla Freeman, Winnipeg, University of Manitoba Press, 305 p. )

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous Authors (Essays)
    Reserved Access
    Subjects: Inuit, Colonialism
    "Life Among the Qallunaat" book cover

  • Lignes directrices pour la recherche (Institut nordique du Québec)

    Available to all

    A discussion paper setting out ethical northern research guidelines with a view to the decolonization of research. It also proposes approaches for conducting research in the North.

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Research Ethics and Practice in Indigenous Communities, Statements, Principles, and Guidelines
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Research ethics, INQ, Research, Research with Indigenous peoples, Indigenous authors

  • L’Apparition du Nord selon Gérard Mercator (Université Laval)

    Available to all | UQAM (Print book) | UQTR (Print book)

    Web platform that offers an interactive reading of the first printed map (1595) of the circumpolar North.

    Collection(s): *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Circumpolar North
    Free - Open Access, Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Maps, Cartography, Gerardus Mercator, Circumpolar North, Polar projection
    L’Apparition du Nord selon Gérard Mercator

  • Ma peau aime le Nord

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | UQAM (Print Book)

    First collection of poetry by the young Innu of Ekuanitshit (Mingan) Manon Nolin, Ma peau aime le Nord reveals the boundless attachment that the Innu poet has for her culture, for the traditions of her ancestors, for her territory. Her writing takes an intimate look at the fragility of a disappearing Innu culture, whose strength we can still feel in the thousand-year-old teachings of nature.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous literature, Indigenous authors, Innu, Côte-Nord, Indigenous communities
    Ma peau aime le Nord

  • Manikanetish : Petite Marguerite

    BAnQ (eBook) | Concordia (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book) | UQAM (Print Book) | UQTR (eBook)

    This novel by Naomie Fontaine, Innu from Uashat, depicts the universe of a French teacher posted on an Indian reserve on the North Shore, that of her students who seek to take charge of themselves. Native, she will do everything to save them from despair, even go into the theater with them. The author was a finalist for the 2019 Radio-Canada National Book Combat, a finalist for the 2018 Geneva Book Fair Audience Award and many others.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Manikanetish : Petite Marguerite

  • Manuel d'initiation à la langue innue (BAnQ)

    Available to all

    Innu language initiation manual including an Innu-French lexicon as well as educational exercises.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Languages
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Innu language, Innu dialects, Indigenous languages
    Manuel d'initiation à la langue innue

  • Map of the Kativik region (BAnQ)

    Available to all

    Geographic map (scale 1: 1,000,000) of the Kativik region illustrating, among other things, the ancient settlements with Inuit, Cree and Naskapi toponyms.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Maps, Atlases, and Geospatial Data, Map and Atlases, Northern Quebec, *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Northern Quebec
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Maps
    Map of the Kativik region

  • Maps - United States Arctic Research Commission

    Available to all

    Maps and geospatial data of the boundaries of the Arctic.

    Collection(s): *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Circumpolar North
    Free - Open Access, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Alaska, Maps, United States, Arctic boundary
     Maps - United States Arctic Research Commission

  • Maps of mining activity in the James Bay and Ungava regions (BAnQ)

    Available to all

    Group of geographical maps that compile information relating to mining activity in the James Bay and Ungava regions.

    Collection(s): *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Northern Quebec
    Free - Open Access, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Mine exploration, Mining, Mines
    Maps of mining activity in the James Bay and Ungava regions

  • Maritime jurisdiction and boundaries in the Arctic region (Durham University)

    Available to all

    Map of maritime zones and Arctic boundaries.

    Collection(s): *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Circumpolar North
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Maps, Territorial waters, geopolitics, Maritime juridiction
    Maritime jurisdiction and boundaries in the Arctic regio

  • Minerals and Metals Fact Book - 2016

    Available to all

    Statistics exploration, mining, and mineral manufacturing in Canada.

    Collection(s): *** Statistics ***, Natural Resources
    Free - Open Access, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Canada, Mine exploration, Mining, Mines
    Minerals and Metals Fact Book - 2016

  • Mines en chiffres (Institut de la statistique du Québec)

    Available to all

    Statistics on mineral production and mining investment in Quebec.

    Collection(s): *** Statistics ***, Natural Resources
    Free - Open Access, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Economy, Mine exploration, Mines, Quebec
    Mines en chiffres

  • Mining and the Aquatic Environment Bibliography (ASTIS)

    Available to all

    Contains 550 citations on the impacts of the mining of metal-bearing ores and diamonds on freshwater and marine ecosystems in Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

    Collection(s): *** Databases ***, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Free - Open Access, Free - Reference only, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Water, Mine exploration, Nunavut, Environmental sciences, Northwest Territories, Yukon
    Mining and the Aquatic Environment Bibliography

  • Mining Sector (Investments Québec) (Institut de la statistique du Québec)

    Available to all

    Statistics on mining investment, mineral production, and mining companies.

    Collection(s): *** Statistics ***, Natural Resources
    Free - Open Access, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Economy, Mine exploration, Mines, Quebec
    Secteur minier

  • Mise bas du caribou (Géoindex)

    Concordia (Reserved Access) | INRS (Reserved Access) | Laval (Reserved Access) | McGill (Reserved Access) | UQAM (Reserved Access) | UQTR (Reserved Access)

    This layer shows the location of caribou calving grounds north of the 52nd parallel.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Maps, Atlases, and Geospatial Data, Geospatial Data, Northern Quebec, *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Geospatial Data, Northern Quebec
    Reserved Access, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Calving grounds, Caribou, Geospatial data, Northern Quebec

  • Modèles numériques d'altitude des villages nordiques à l'échelle 1/2 000 (Géoindex)

    Concordia (Reserved Access) | INRS (Reserved Access) | Laval (Reserved Access) | McGill (Reserved Access) | UQAM (Reserved Access) | UQTR (Reserved Access)

    Includes digital elevation models covering Inuit villages located north of the 55th parallel. The documents in this series are digital elevation matrices accurate to within one metre.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Maps, Atlases, and Geospatial Data, Geospatial Data, Northern Quebec, *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Geospatial Data, Northern Quebec
    Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Geospatial data, Inuit, Digital elevation model, Villages

  • Nametau Innu Glossary

    Available to all

    Glossary of the Innu language in English and French. Produced by Musée régional de la Côte-Nord.

    Collection(s): *** Dictionaries and Encyclopedias ***, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Languages
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Innu dictionary, Innu, Innu-aimun, Labrador, Innu language, Northern Quebec
    Lexique Nametau Innu

  • Nan bei ji di tu ji = Atlas of the Arctic and Antarctica

    Laval (Reserved Access)

    Atlas featuring polar projection maps of the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as regional maps of these areas. The reference work also examines research zones near the poles, in particular those where China is conducting research.

    Collection(s): *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Circumpolar North
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Atlas, Maps, China, Research
    Nan bei ji di tu ji = Atlas of the Arctic and Antarctica

  • Narrative of a voyage to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's ship Rosamond containing some account of the north-eastern coast of America and of the tribes inhabiting that remote region

    BAnQ (eBook) | Laval (eBook) | UQTR (eBook)

    An account of British Lieutenant Edward Chappell's journey to Hudson Bay, published in 1817 and containing maps and illustrations. (Edward Chappell, London, J. Mawman, 1817, 279 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Exploration
    Free - Open Access, Reserved Access
    Subjects: British expeditions, Hudson Bay, History, Exploration
    Narrative of a voyage to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's ship Rosamond / Edward Chappell

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