General Public

General public

New! Quality books, maps and atlases, online movies, and websites that attract and address topics of interest for the general public regarding the North and the Arctic, such as Aboriginal peoples, Arctic exploration, the environment and climate change. 

Most of the documents are freely accesible on the web or through the digital lending of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (subscription free of charge for any resident of Quebec). The rest of the listed documents are available in print format. 

To consult the various categories that this collection contains, use the filter Collection.  


Displaying 1 - 20 of 95 results

  • A Farewell to Ice : A Report from the Arctic

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book)

    Accessible presentation of the phenomenon of melting ice in the Arctic, which occurs in the context of climate change, and its major consequences for the planet. (Peter Wadhams, London, Penguin Books, 2016, 239 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Climate and Environment
    Print Document
    Subjects: Ice, Pack ice, Climate change
    Book cover of "A Farewell to Ice".

  • A tea in the tundra : nipishapui nete mushuat

    BAnQ (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book)

    Finalist for the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal 2014, this english translation of the poetry of Joséphine Bacon, Innu of Betsiamites, takes on the words that lead us to the heart of the tundra and closer to the people who live there.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Reserved Access
    Subjects: Indigenous literature, Indigenous authors, Innu-aimun, Innu territory, Innu
    Un thé dans la toundra

  • A.C.R. Grønland : l'univers mystérieux et intime d'un Nord disparu = En personlig og gådefuld verden fra et forsvundet nord = The private and mysterious world of a lost North

    BAnQ (eBook) | Laval (eBook) | McGill (eBook) | UQAM (eBook)

    Trilingual album (French, Danish, English) of photographs of a Greenlandic colony at the beginning of the 20th century. (Daniel Chartier, Québec, Presses de l'Université du Québec, coll. «Imagoborealis», 2009, 48 p. )

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Illustrated Books
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Greenland, Photographs, History

  • An Inuit Critique of Canadian Arctic Research

    Accessible to all

    Arctic research continues to operate in a colonial framework and with an academic mindset that largely privileges the interests of southern institutions and fails to address Northern societal needs and issues, in particular those experienced in Inuit communities. We have seen research principles go from research on Inuit to research with Inuit, but it is high time we witnessed research by Inuit for Inuit. If research informs policy, and policy arguably leads to change, Inuit need to have a say in how research in Inuit Nunangat (Inuit homelands) is governed to better their lives. This piece filters such matters through the eyes of an Inuk, offering insights into current Arctic research governance, and maps out some of the solutions and opportunities for altering it in the interests of Inuit communities. (Pfeifer, P. (2019). "An Inuit Critique of Canadian Arctic Research." Arctic Focus. [originally published by Northern Public Affairs, 2018])

    Collection(s): *** Studying the North ***, Perspectives on Decolonization, Research Ethics and Practice in Indigenous Communities, Selected Articles, Indigenous Authors (Essays), *** General Public ***, Exploration
    Free - Open Access, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Canadian arctic, Research ethics, Research by Indigenous peoples, Research with Indigenous peoples, Research methodologies, Inuit
    motor boat in water with seated passengers and one standing embarquation a moteur dans l'eau avec plusieurs passagers assis et un debout

  • Annie Muktuk and other stories

    BAnQ (eBook) | Concordia (eBook) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (eBook) | UQTR (Print Book)

    In this notorious novel, Norma Dunning portrays the unvarnished realities of northern life through gritty characters who find themselves in difficult situations. Her stories challenge southern perceptions of the north and Inuit life through evocative, nuanced voices accented with Inuktitut words and symbolism.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Inuit, Indigenous literature, Indigenous authors
    Annie Muktuk : et autres histoires

  • Arctic Center / Arctic region : Basic information about the Arctic (Arctic Centre. University of Lapland)

    Available to all

    General information on various aspects of the Arctic, including Indigenous peoples, climate change, international cooperation, flora and fauna, mapping, etc.

    (Arctic Centre. University of Lapland. 2020. «Basic information about the Arctic». URL [])

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Websites
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Indigenous peoples, Climate change, Cartography, Arctic flora, Arctic fauna
    Basic information about the Arctic

  • Arctic labyrinth : The quest for the Northwest Passage

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Concordia (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (eBook)

    Documentary work describing the many attempts of maritime expeditions to discover a passage leading from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. (Glyndwr Williams, Toronto, Viking Canada, 2009, 440 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Exploration
    Print Document, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Northwest Passage, Exploration, John Franklin, Navigation, History
    Book cover "Arctic Labyrinth" (Williams, 2009)

  • Arctic Variety (Arctic Centre. University of Lapland)

    Accessible à tous

    This book explores daily life in the Arctic in various professions and regions of Finland, such as tourism, design, economy, navigation, education, healthcare, research and diplomacy. (Marjo Laukkanen & Markku Heikkilä, Rovaniemi (Finland), Arctic Centre. University of Lapland, 100 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), General Subjects
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Finland, Arctic sciences, Economy, Arts, Politics, Navigation
    Book Cover of "Arctic Variety"

  • Arctica : The vanishing North

    BAnQ (Print Book)

    Illustrated book showing the alarming degradation of the Arctic through a series of spectacular pictures, taken by photographer, journalist and activist Sebastian Copeland. (Sebastian Copeland, Kempen (Allemagne), teNeues, 2015, 302 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Climate and Environment, Illustrated Books
    Print Document, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Photographs, Environmental changes, Landscapes, Arctic fauna
    Book cover of "Arctica, the vanishing North".

  • Arctique, l'histoire secrète : de Pythéas à Poutine, une lutte de 2500 ans

    BAnQ (eBook) | Laval (Print Book)

    History of the conquest of the Arctic, from the first explorers to the present day. (Dominique Le Brun Paris, Omnibus, 2018, 662 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Exploration
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Exploration
    Book cover of "Arctique, l'histoire secrète.

  • Arthur Lamothe Collection (BAnQ)

    Available to all

    Filmmaker Arthur Lamothe has devoted most of his work to raising awareness of the First Peoples of Quebec, mainly the Innu and their culture. This collection covers two of his documentaries shot in the 1970s: “Amerindian Culture” and “Previous Memory”. Through 81 short films, various subjects are discussed, including snowshoe making and butchering moose.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Online Films, *** General Public ***, Online Films, *** Online Films ***
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Innu, Innu territory, Cultural identity
    Arthur Lamothe

  • Atlas des peuples autochtones du Canada

    Available to all

    Four-volume atlas presenting information on Indigenous communities, languages, education, treaties and territories, as well as residential schools, colonialism, racism and cultural appropriation. (Ottawa, Société géographique royale du Canada, 2018, 4 vol. )

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Maps, Atlases, and Geospatial Data, Map and Atlases, Northern Canada, *** General Public ***, Maps and Atlases, Northern Canada, *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Northern Canada
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Atlas, Indigenous peoples, Colonialism, Indigenous communities, Inuit, Indian residential schools
    Atlas des peuples autochtones du Canada

  • Atlas des pôles : régions polaires : questions sur un avenir incertain

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | UQAM (Print Book)

    Atlas published by Éditions Autrement presenting the physical and natural environment, First Nations, and environmental, climatic, and geopolitical issues associated with the Arctic and the Antarctic.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Maps, Atlases, and Geospatial Data, Map and Atlases, Circumpolar North, *** General Public ***, Maps and Atlases, Circumpolar North, *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Circumpolar North
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Atlas, Indigenous peoples, Climate change, geopolitics
    Atlas des pôles : régions polaires : questions sur un avenir incertain

  • Atlas of Indian nations

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Reserved Access)

    Atlas with rich iconographic, cartographic, and textual content presenting the various nations of North America according to a wide range of themes. Includes relevant content about the First Peoples of the North and the Arctic. (Washington, National Geographic Society, 2013, 219 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Maps and Atlases, Northern Canada, *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Northern Canada, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Maps, Atlases, and Geospatial Data, Map and Atlases, Northern Canada
    Print Document, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Atlas, Maps, Indigenous peoples
    Atlas of Indian nations

  • Bleuets et abricots

    BAnQ (eBook) | Concordia (Print book) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (Print Book) | UQTR (eBook)

    In Bleuets et apricots, Natasha Kanapé Fontaine's poems bring to the fore the voices of indigenous women who stand up against the wounds of colonization. With the blueberry, native fruit of the Nordic territory, and the large apricots of Haiti, she invites dialogue, reconciliation and links that enrich peoples. This work earned her a nomination as a finalist for the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal.

    Collection(s): *** First Peoples of the North ***, Indigenous novels and poetry, *** General Public ***, Indigenous novels and poetry
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers, Print Document, Reserved Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Côte-Nord, Indigenous authors, Indigenous literature, Innu-aitun, Innu, Indigenous communities
    Bleuets et abricots

  • Borderline : la vie sur le cercle arctique

    BAnQ (Print book) | Laval (Print book)

    Illustrated book on the daily life of residents from eight different countries around the circumpolar Arctic, and captured by London-based photographer Cristian Barnett. French translation of the book "Life on the Line: People of the Arctic Circle". (Cristian Barnett (photograph) & Huw Lewis-Jones, Paris, Paulsen, 2014, 207 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Indigenous Peoples, Illustrated Books
    Print Document, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Inuit, Photographs
    Couverture du livre "Borderline, la vie sur le cercle arctique" (Barnett, 2014)

  • Brave new Arctic : The untold story of the melting North

    BAnQ (Print Book) | Concordia (Print Book) | INRS (eBook) | Laval (Print Book) | McGill (eBook) | UQAM (eBook)

    Scientific adventures by Arctic geographer and climatologist Mark C. Serreze demonstrating that the transformation of the Arctic is the harbinger of the global warming and its unprecedented consequences. (Mark C. Serreze, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2018, 255 p.)

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Climate and Environment
    Print Document, Natural Sciences
    Subjects: Climate change, Environmental changes, Geobotany
    Book cover "Brave New Arctic".

  • Canadiana

    Available to all

    A virtual library dedicated to Canadian history, providing access to prints from the era of early European settlers to the mid-20th century. Various collections related to autochthony and northernness are included, including those of the Hudson's Bay Company Archives, Jesuit Relations and Native Studies (formerly called Early Canadiana Online)

    Collection(s): *** Archives and Primary Sources ***, *** General Public ***, *** First Peoples of the North ***, Archives and Primary Sources
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Indigenous peoples, Colonialism, Hudson’s Bay Company, Europe, Jesuits

  • Carcajou à l'aurore du monde : fragments écrits d'une encyclopédie orale innue (BAnQ)

    BAnQ (Printed Book)

    This book immerses us in the boreal universe of Carcajou, this strange and fabulous being who populates the legends of northern Quebec and Labrador. In the 1970s, Savard recorded narrative sequences of this character after interviewing storytellers from the Ungava Valley and Sheshatshiu in Labrador.

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Books (essays), Indigenous Peoples
    Free - BAnQ Subscribers
    Subjects: Atanukans, Oral narratives, Mythologie, Innu-aitun, Innu
    Carcajou à l'aurore du monde : fragments écrits d'une encyclopédie orale innue

  • Cartes anciennes de l’Arctique (Université Laval)

    Available to all

    Collection of the University Laval's Library consisting of some twenty maps dating from the 16th to the 20th century. These documents are the work of famous cartographers such as Gerardus Mercator, Jan Jansson, Guillaume de L'Isle and Willem Blaeu, but also of explorers like Captain Joseph-Elzéar Bernier.

    Collection(s): *** General Public ***, Maps and Atlases, Old Maps, *** Maps, Atlases and Geospatial Data ***, Maps and Atlases, Old Maps
    Free - Open Access, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Subjects: Circumpolar Arctic, Maps, Cartography
    Cartes anciennes de l’Arctique

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