Bar des science

Bar des Science / Adapting to a North in Motion: Ecosystems and Communities

On May 12, 2018, La Korrigane microbrewery will host a "Bar des Science" organized by several northern research groups from Université Laval (Centre d'études nordiques, Québec-Ocean, CIÉRA, Sentinel North, Takuvik and Institut nordique du Québec). The activity takes place in the context of 24 Hours of Science that explores the theme of the movement this year.

We propose a relaxed evening of scientific discussion about the changing Arctic environment, research that is being conducted in the region and prospects for the future. The discussion with the invited experts and the general public will focus on three main issues:

  1. What are the migratory movements of plant, animal and human species in the North?
  2. What are the impacts of these movements on the territory and on the northern communities and what are the adaptation strategies?
  3. Are we able to follow these movements, both by new technologies and by traditional knowledge?


  • Eric Bharucha, ing. Chief Technology Officer, Sentinel North Instrument Development Platform
  • Gilles Gauthier, Scientific Director of Centre d'études nordiques (CEN), Professor, Wildlife Ecology and Tundra Food Webs
  • Serge Ashini Goupil, Councilor for the Innu Nation - Co-founder of the Friends of the Mushuau-nipi Corporation
  • Lyne Morissette, Director M - Marine Expertise, Ecosystem and Marine Mammal Specialist
  • Pascale Ropars, Postdoctoral researcher, Plant Ecologist specializing in Arctic ecosystems

The discussion will be moderated by Valérie Levée, a journalist specializing in science, architecture and urbanism.

You can register via the Facebook event

Categories: general audience
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