Institut nordique du Québec's newsletter
November 7, 2018
INQ's 3rd Science Day: It's time to register!
It is time to register for the INQ's 3rd Science Day, which will take place on November 28 at INRS. Hurry up, places are limited! A preliminary program is available on our website.
Here is an overview of the day :
Presentation of INQ's Chairs by the three Chairholders;
Conferences grouped under two main themes;
- Mapping and modelling of northern issues
- Participatory research
Guided tour and inauguration of the brand new INRS Geothermal Open Laboratory (LOG) - all the details here;
Scientific Poster Contest - all the details;
Student Photo Contest - all the details (note that you are not required to attend the 3rd Science Day to participate in the photo contest).
Register for the day
New deadline for submission of abstracts for the scientific poster competition
The deadline for submitting an abstract for the scientific poster competition of the INQ's 3rdScience Day has been extended. Graduate students from all Quebec universities have until November 12 to submit their abstracts. Cash prizes will be awarded for the 3 best posters!
More details on our website
2017-2018 Activity Report
TheInstitut nordique du Québec's 2017-2018 Annual Report of the is now available on our website. This report covers the period from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 and highlights the INQ's activities over the past year.
Consult the 2017-2018 INQ's Activity Report
Annual reports of the three INQ's research chairs
Are you interested in research conducted within the three INQ's research chairs? The 2017-2018 annual reports of the three INQ's Chairs are available on our website. Consult the reports to learn about the progress the Chairs have made.
Consult the activity reports of the INQ's Chairs
Implementation Committee Retreat to reflect on the future of INQ
In less than a month, the members of the Implementation Committee will be getting together to reflect on the INQ's 2018-2023 strategic planning.
Within the walls of the Monastère des Augustines de Québec, the committee will shape the future of the Institut nordique du Québec through their discussions and reflections. We look forward to this one-day retreat that will lay the foundation for our future strategic plan.
The INQ would like to thank the people who will be participating in this important day.
INQ brings together 15 universities of Quebec
"Together for the North"
The Institut nordique du Québec now has 15 regular members. Of the 18 universities in Quebec, 12 have recently ratified the INQ membership agreement and are joining the INQ's 3 founding universities. The INQ community is growing and several important projects will be announced in the coming months.
Regular members of the INQ:
- École de technologie supérieure
- École Polytechnique Montréal
- Concordia University
- Université de Montréal
- Université du Québec (Québec campus)
- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Université du Québec à Rimouski
- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
- Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
- Université Laval
- Université de Sherbrooke
- Institut national de la recherche scientifique
- McGill University
MOOC| Northern Quebec: French version available this winter
Credit: Amélie Breton
The French version of the MOOC will be offered from February 4 to April 2, 2019. This course provides an introduction to the socio-political issues of Northern Quebec, the ancestral territory of several Aboriginal nations.
Enlightening testimonials
Through dozens of interviews, this MOOC gives a voice to specialists and advocates from the North.
For example, Minnie Grey, Executive Director of the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services and recent recipient of the Order of Canada, Louis-Edmond Hamelin, founder of the Centre d'études nordiques, and Réal McKenzie, former Chief of the Matimekush-Lac John Innu Council, are featured in the MOOC.
This diversity of credible and committed stakeholders allows MOOC participants to better understand the cultures of northern populations, the place of this space in the collective imagination, the different visions of development of the northern territory and its socio-political evolution.
Register for the MOOC
Caution to researchers about a predatory journal on the North
An email targeting researchers interested in Northern and the Arctic issues has been circulating for almost a year. It is distributed by an editor of a predatory journal who has appropriated the name and image of Arctic magazine, published by the University of Calgary. The latter has also warned its authors and readers here. Be vigilant!
More details on our website
Upcoming INQ's activities
1. We will be present at the Building Reconciliation Forum at the University of Victoria in British Columbia on November 15 and 16. This year's theme is Ts'its'u' watultseep (HUL'Q' UMI'NUM' language), which means helping each other.
2. The INQ will participate in the 4th seminar on the Ethic of Research with Indigenous Peopleswhich will be held at the First Peoples Pavilion - UQAT - Val-d'Or campus on November 22 and 23.
This Seminar is intended for :
Indigenous organisations and communities;
Researchers professors and students;
Managers and research practitioners;
Anyone interested in ethics or research with Indigenous Peoples.
The registration period is underway. All the details about he event is on the website.
A look back at INQ's activities
INQ participation in the Arctic Circle (October 19-21, 2018)
The Quebec delegation at the Arctic Circle Assembly at the Fram Centre in Reykjavik.
A delegation from the INQ took part in the most recent edition of the Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland. The delegation was composed of Brigitte Bigué, INQ Project Director; Louis Fortier, INQ Science and Innovation Director; Jean-Éric Tremblay, Interim Director of the INQ Implementation Committee and the 6 doctoral students who won the Quebec final of the Mon projet nordique contest:
Charles-Olivier Simard, Ph.D. candidate in demography, Université de Montréal
Mafalda Miranda, Ph.D. candidate in earth sciences, INRS
Marianne Falardeau, Ph.D. candidate in Natural Resources Science, McGill University
Myriam Labbé, Ph.D. candidate in microbiology, Université Laval
Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé, Ph.D. candidate in Earth Sciences, McGill University
Samuel Gagnon, Ph.D. candidate in Geography, Université de Montréal
These 6 students repeated the experience of Mon projet nordique, in English alongside 6 doctoral students from the Nordic countries that were selected by the UArctic network, which co-organized the international final of Mon projet nordique with INQ and FRQNT.
Among the highlights of this trip, it is important to mention the meeting with the Ambassador of Canada to Iceland, Anne-Tamara Lorre, who showed a keen interest in northern research and in our students, who all presented their projects to her. Ms. Lorre was thus able to refer them to people who might be interested in their work in Iceland.
International Final of Mon projet nordique
The international final of Mon projet nordique was won by social science student Kirll Gurvich (University in Bodø, Norway). His project is entitled: "Sociocultural adaptation of refugees in the Circumpolar region: a comparative study of social work practices in Norway and Canada".
The 6 Quebec finalists of Mon projet nordique at the Arctic Circle last October.
From left to right: Myriam Labbé, Marianne Falardeau, Samuel Gagnon, Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé, Charles-Olivier Simard, and Mafalda Miranda. Credit: Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé
Testimony of Myriam Labbé, PhD student in microbiology, Université Laval and finalist of Mon projet nordique
Permafrost melting and landscape impacts, microbial ecology, northern community consultation,housing crisis and new energy approaches: all of these issues and many others were brilliantly presented at the annual Arctic Circle Assembly last October in Reykjavik by the finalists of the Mon projet nordique competition, of which I had the opportunity to be a part.
The Arctic Circle Assembly brings together international personalities to discuss the many socio-political, economic and scientific issues affecting the Arctic.
For us, as student researchers, it was an incredible opportunity to get our message out of the scientific realm and into direct contact with the actors of change in the Arctic. I have been dazzled by all the Arctic research being conducted around the world and touched to see that conservation and sustainable development of the Arctic, both socially and environmentally, are a priority for many. I came back from this experience with a broader understanding of the many realities of the Arctic, many enriching encounters and a lot of hope.
Sentinel North Scientific Meeting (27 to 30 August 2018)
More than 350 people attended the event, of which INQ was one of the official sponsors. The Interim Director of the INQ Implementation Committee, Jean-Éric Tremblay, presented the INQ to the meeting participants in the plenary and our team was on hand at the booth to answer questions from everyone.
The last day of the meeting was devoted to scientific workshops. The INQ took the opportunity to distribute its Research Guidelines for good practices in Northern research, to the participants who attended the workshop on conducting research in the North.
If you wish to refer to this guide, please note that it is available for consultation and download on our website.
Access to our Research Guidelines
Upcoming events and activities
Institut nordique du Québec's 3rd Science Day of the (November 28, 2018)