There it is! Our new website is online! Let us know what you think of it and do not hesitate to provide us with suggestions on how we could improve it, because, at the end of the day, our main goal is to create a useful tool for the entire INQ community!
Please note that some sections of the website have recently had their ULR changed. Don't forget to update your bookmarks!
Keep an eye on our website over the coming months! Updates will include the addition of three new tools: the Lab-O-Nord, the Portail en études nordiques and the Cartographie des chercheurs.
We are currently setting up databases in relation to these tools. We may need to contact some of you for additional information. Thank you in advance for your help.
Visit INQ's website.
The Forum on the Research Needs of First Peoples' report is available.
The forum, held in March 2017, brought together researchers and Indigenous representatives in order to review and update our knowledge on First Peoples' research needs.
The First Peoples Working Group has produced a report on this event to ensure the comments made by participants are accessible to all.
See the report.
Call for applications: "comités sectoriels d'éthique à la recherche"
The three "comités sectoriels d’éthique de la recherche" from Université Laval have launched a call for applications. They are currently looking for First Nations' representatives who would be interested in joining their respective committee.
See the call for applications.
Upcoming events and activities
Deadline to submit a proposition for Mon projet nordique (27 April)
Colloque CIÉRA (Quebec, 26-27 April)
Northern days (Quebec, 5-6 June)
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Institut nordique du Québec
Vice Rectorate of Research and Innovation
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045 avenue de la Médecine, Université Laval
Québec City, Québec G1V 0A6