Troupeau de caribous migrateurs


Upcoming Events

Past Events

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The event's theme is Science in Action with Indigenous People.
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The annuel symposium of the Centre d'études nordiques will be held on February 17 and 18.
, Online - open to everybody
An event organized as part of the Climate Action Mobilization Campaign: Climate, Health, Action!
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Québec-Océan invites you to discover the latest advances in oceanography at its next Annual Scientific Meeting, scheduled from 2022, Monday, January 31 to Thursday, February 3.
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Speaker: Stephanie Guilherme, Professor at the University of Ottawa, CentrEau Contributing Member

The webinar will take place on December 9 at 1:00 pm.

For more details, visit the Centre Eau website.

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The ASM2021 brings together researchers from the natural, health, and social sciences to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing Arctic region, shaped by climate change and modernization.
, Online - open to all (Presentation in French)
Webinar presented by Michelle Garneau, Professor, Department of Geography, UQAM
, hybrid event
The INQ Research Chair on Northern Sustainable Development, in partnership with CIÉRA and INQ, proposes a public conference on the different models of political autonomy in the Arctic.
to , online - open to all
Join us for the 2021 Sentinel North Scientific Meeting, where interdisciplinarity and innovation will pave the way towards new insights into the changing northern environment.
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