Webinar 36 | Humans and Dogs in Northern Québec: what are the issues, and how do we address them?

Presenters: Cécile Aenishaenslin and Léa Delesalle, GREZOSP, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal

Abstract: Indigenous communities in northern Canada have developed a close relationship with the dog because of its unique role in hunting, transportation and security. This relationship brings considerable benefits to humans, but can also increase exposure to certain public health risks. Since 2010, several projects at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Université de Montréal have documented these issues at the human-dog interface, including the "Indigenous People, Dogs and Wellness" project, directed by Professor André Ravel. Multidisciplinary and participatory, this project aims to assess and reduce the threats to human health associated with the presence of dogs in northern communities, while promoting an environment where dogs can contribute to human quality of life and well-being. Professor Cécile Aenishaenslin and PhD candidate Léa Delesalle will present the highlights of this issue, including the challenges identified in the partner communities, and the solutions put in place to address them. In the northern village of Kujjuaq, in particular, the project has informed a community action plan, the Kujjuaq Dog Program. Léa will discuss the decision support methods used to build this action plan, and how it will be evaluated.



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