Vue du lever de soleil à partir d'une tente


Explore the North through these webinars created and offered by INQ and its collaborators.

List of webinars

Watch the recording of this webinar broadcast on September 23, 2020.
Watch the recording of this webinar broadcast on September 9, 2020.
recherche internationale, changements climatiques, écosystèmes, glace de mer
Daniel Chartier, Professor, Département d'études littéraires, UQAM; Laboratoire international de recherche sur l'imaginaire du Nord, de l'hiver et de l'Arctique
A webinar presented by Patrick Labbé, Chef – Innovation, projets majeurs et conversion réseaux autonomes chez Hydro-Québec
énergie, réseaux autonomes, électricité, innovation
This webinar is in collaboration with Quebec Ocean.
diatoms, green algae, pesticides, growth, photosynthèse
This webinar is in collaboration with Quebec Ocean, Takuvik and Sentinel North.
Arctic, phytoplancton, light, primary productivity, BCG-Argo
By Jean-Michel Lemieux, Professor, Département de géologie et de génie géologique,  Université Laval
eau souterraine, eau potable, Nunavik, permafrost, hydrogéologie
This webinar explore the concepts of equity, diversity and inclusion in the specific context of northern research.
equity, diversity, inclusion, context of northern research
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