Carbon and nitrogen analyser in water

Room or location
Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS)
TOC Vcph et module d’azote TNM-1
In operation since

This device is used to measure the different forms of carbon (organic and inorganic) as well as total nitrogen in aqueous solutions. For the analysis of total carbon and organic carbon and total nitrogen, the sample is injected into a combustion furnace and the carbon present is transformed into CO2, then measured by an infrared detector. In the case of total nitrogen, detection is by chemiluminescence. For inorganic carbon, the sample is injected into a cell containing an acid solution that converts the carbonates into CO2, which is then measured by the infrared detector.

Resource person
Stéphane Prémont
490, rue de la Couronne
Conditions of use
This equipment can be used with the full assistance of a technician. The INRS laboratory also offers a complete analysis service. There is an availability of approximately 50 days per year for external users.
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